Christ-Centered leadership of our youth.
The focus of our youth ministries is more than movies, pizza, and soda. Our youth engage in outreach activities and time in scripture to help grow their love of Christ and the faith that will sustain them through all the challenges young people have to address as they grow into adulthood. Our youth leader has fifteen plus years of experience in young adult and early childhood education.
Adventures in the Mystery Machine
Our young people love an adventure and we've had plenty. From kayaking to small mission trips, the 'Mystery Machine' as we have affectionately titled our youth van, has taken our troops safely to and from many exciting activities. Our youth plan their own events and our church membership is very supportive with bake sales and silent auction activities to fund these events.
Creating relationships with Christ in common
In our youth group, we believe as the church does that 'whosoever will' is welcome. We're always exciting to see our youth bring friends and in many case have youth that attend our program while their home church may be somewhere else. While we would always welcome seeing these smiling faces in church on Sunday, we know that our true mission is building young adults through life changing experiences that emphasize the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How we teach our youth faith through Christ-centered experiences
Knowing young minds learn better by experiencing Christ in places that enhance teaching through interaction with God's creation, we encourage our young men and women to attend church camps and other events. We love to get them away from electronics and into the world. We love seeing that shy young person open up with excitement when they get to enjoy an activity that they normally wouldn't attend in a normal setting. And seeing these young people become friends, leaning on one another for support and learning to pray for one another, is just as rewarding for our church as it is for our youth.